Unstable Friends
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Unstable Friends

A gathering place for those who share the addiction of Natural Motion's MY HORSE game app.
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 To Apply for Membership

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Posts : 229
Join date : 2012-12-13
Age : 56
Location : Sask. CANADA

To Apply for Membership Empty
PostSubject: To Apply for Membership   To Apply for Membership EmptyWed Feb 06, 2013 10:40 pm

To apply for membership, please follow these steps:

1. Go to https://unstablefriends.canadian-forum.com/ and then click/tap on “REGISTER” that shows in the toolbar underneath our mainpage image.

To Apply for Membership JbwaygS5SLoB8P

2. Click/tap on “I Agree To These Terms” link when the Forum Terms Of Service appears.

3. Fill in the registration info choosing a user name; password; and email address. (It would be great if the username you choose here is also the same nic-name that you use in the "My Horse" app, that way we know who you are!)

4. Click/tap “SAVE”

5. Confirm your password you have chosen, type in the confirmation code

6.Click/tap “SAVE”


Now all you have to do is wait for your membership to be activated.
I shall try my best to keep a close eye on the mail requests to accept you as soon as possible.
Thanks for wanting to come and join us!

See you in the forums!

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